
Selasa, 23 November 2010

after all.....................

someone said to me :

"It'll feel good to be back in close touch with the people you love the most. After all, what's life all about, if not staying in touch with the ones you love?"

they will see how much i miss to spend my time with them...
miiiiiiiisssssssssssss you mom and abang :')

aku ya aku....

kenapa orang terlalu mempermasalahkan aku yang selalu berpikiran kelewat positif?
mmgnya salah?
aku ajah yang mikir ngga merasa ada yang salah atau ada yang aneh ko yaa... >.<"

karena mindsetku adalah hidup dalam kenyataan ini dipengaruhi pikiran alambawah sadar/sugesti...
itu ajah ko alasanku kenapa aku jadi orang yang terlalu berpikir positif...

daily extended for Aquarius... (nov 23rd)

Being asked for a favor is nothing new to you. You're always available when a friend, family member or coworker calls, whether it's a loan for the electric bill, a ride into work or a shoulder to cry on. You pride yourself on being a good and loyal friend and a hardworking compatriot, and there's no reason to ever expect that to change. You may need to think for a second before you respond to this latest plea for help, though. It's going to be a big one.

~great thanks to Allah for created a perfect one, and she was me :)