
Minggu, 19 Desember 2010

the Almighty Allah

"We are still masters of our fate. We are still captains of our souls"

even i sounded those statement frequently... but i was keeping trust on You, Rabb :)

everything about me was depended on Your Decides :)

Dad, mom, him, my life, my future and everything about me, it's Yours :)

the Almighty Allah, let me struggle for my future... for my hopes... for mom and dad's hopes... for his wishes... and especially for Your blessing...

i wouldn't let my self to disappoint You, Rabb.. i wouldn't :')

stand up

ya Rabb, untuk apa dan bagaimanapun keadaanku hari ini, tolong jangan pernah izinkan aku untuk menyerah... i'll do my best as i promised to You, Rabb...

being proudly daughter for my belove mom and being good wife for my husband :)
let me to stand up with You, Rabb...
just let me :')